Isaiah 61:3

Isaiah 61:3 - They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Praying for Patience

Ask anyone who prays, and they'll tell you - "Don't pray for patience, 'cuz you know what'll happen!!" Well, this morning I prayed for patience. And it happened - a 40 minute tantrum courtesy of my 4-year old. And I started wondering if it's true: does God answer prayers for patience by throwing really frustrating situations in our path?? I figured it that's the way it works, I won't be praying that prayer again anytime soon. Honestly, what I really want is for patience to magically manifest itself in me. I don't ever want to feel frustrated and impatient again... especially with my kids. But the more I thought about it, the more I began to realize that developing traits such as patience is a lot like getting physically fit. You have to work for it. There's going to be a bit of sweat, some pain, an early morning workout or two. Over time and with lots of practice, when I find myself in those situations that tempt me to give in to my frustration, I will start to sense a growing reserve of patience, a deep underground well of peace.

From a parent's perspective, it seems that this is actually a pretty decent answer to a prayer for patience. After all, we don't want to be the kind of parents who do our kids' homework for them, or automatically give them everything they think they need. We want them to develop the skills necessary to make it in the world. God is a good parent - He knows that if He just hands stuff over to us we'll start to feel all entitled and full of ourselves, and maybe we'll start to view Him as a genie in a bottle instead of the Creator of the world and the Ruler of the universe...

Maybe tomorrow I will pray for patience again. Maybe, instead of resenting the tantrums (and the messes, and the fights, and the endless questions) I should embrace them. Maybe it's time to view motherhood as boot camp for my character and let God answer my prayers. After all, the power that raised Christ from the dead is available to me in my quest for wholeness and holiness (Ephesians 1:18-20).

Time to go - I think I hear my personal trainers calling. Hopefully they didn't make a mess downstairs... oh, wait... hopefully they did. :)


  1. It sure helps when you've got terribly CUTE personal trainers too! (In any situation where personal trainers are needed!)

  2. Seriously my friend, you write beautifully. Very well thought out and put together. Oh and very very insightful and oh so true.

  3. You made me laugh out loud. "motherhood as boot camp for my character" and kids as your "personal trainers" - great metaphor. Excellent beginnings!

  4. Brilliant, brave and inspiring. Thank you!!

  5. Hi Colleen, I loved reading this post. I can relate and I love your honesty. Yes, very inspiring!


  6. I read this yesterday and I was still thinking about it when I went to bed. What a great way to turn a difficult situation on it's head. I going to try it the next time my little guy is trying my patience. I'm pretty sure it won't always work, but I think it may actually help!

  7. Oh my.... so exactly what I did last night.... ooops:) But I'm so glad I read this, gave an entirely new perspective on praying for patience! Really appreciate this Colleen!
